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How can we help you today?

Property Hat Bazar facilitates people to find their land, deal home, apartments or hotels & resorts shares in the online marketplace. we’re more than just a guide to correct property investment. We aim to assist our respected clients with the most realistic information in the marketing available right and allow them to contact the agents, developers, and the landlords as simply as possible.
We will always be looking for the most profitable investments and providing the right guidance from experts.
Property Buying:
Profitable properties will be searched for. Advice on what to look for during property inspections and home inspections will be provided and you will be guided to the best legal contract.
We respectfully welcome your arrival, and hope to fulfill your dreams along the way with us.




Century Trade Center ,H-23/C( lift-6th floor ),R-17, kamal Ataturk Avenue, Banani C/A, Dhaka-1213 , Bangladesh